Sunday, January 29, 2012

-- Subscribe Now!!!!! --

Welcome all!!!

This blog was created first and foremost as a project for students enrolled in the Legal Communications course (2012) at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago.

Its' main purpose is to record media consumption and assess my level of media competency. It also provides an avenue for subscribers to journey with me on this quest to “becoming media savvy”. This is an effort to gain a better understanding of the messages being carried by the media.

This site hopes to impress upon readers the need to not merely regurgitate the messages put forward by the media, but instead to question these points-of view and values, question their motives, and to voice their opinions when necessary.

I am certainly looking forward to your company,
as we read between the lines,
one article,
one segment,
one program at a time -
becoming media savvy.